Scrape Hacker News newest posts with Mechanize
First post in 2016 year! I am very happy!! Today we will scraping newest posts from Hacker News. I think all know what is it.
HN has crazy markup, really. But it’s not a problem for us.
What we have:
and a lot of tr
with needed data. In <tr>
with class athing
we have a title of posts(with site domain) it’s red square. After in separate tr
we have post detail(like: author, points etc) it’s blue square.
Scrape HN posts
Today we will use awesome gem mechanize
gem install mechanize
Make initial commit(5161dda) it’s not informative, just simple preparing.
Create mechanize instance, I use user_agent
just for fun.
@agent = Mechanize.new do |agent|
agent.user_agent_alias = 'Mac Safari'
Now we make method for parsing on a page and add BASE_URL
BASE_URL = 'https://news.ycombinator.com'
def parse_links
@page = @agent.get "#{BASE_URL}/newest"
rows = @page.search("//tr[contains(@class,'athing') or "\
"contains(.,'point') and "\
rows.each_slice(2) do |row_pair|
current_data = scrape_header_row(row_pair.first)
break if @data.include?(current_data)
@data << current_data
Mechanize has an interesting methodology for working with page. After each action like click on a link or submit form we always have a new page and should work with changed page.
For opening/getting page mechanize use #get
method. After in @page
variable we have instance of Mechanize::Page
@page = @agent.get "#{BASE_URL}/newest"
After we should find needed rows. For finding mechamize use #search
rows = @page.search("//tr[contains(@class,'athing') or "\
"contains(.,'point') and "\
We have needed data in different rows, I separate rows with different collor.
How work #each_slice(2)
, simple example:
[1] pry(main)> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].each_slice(2) do |item|
[1] pry(main)* p item
[1] pry(main)* end
[1, 2]
[3, 4]
[5, 6]
[7, 8]
[9, 10]
We scrape first row via regex
def scrape_header_row(row)
header = row.text.match(/\d+\.\s+(?<title>.+)\s\(?(?<site>[\w.]+)?\)?/)
{ title: header[:title], site: header[:site] }
Of course, we can use row.at(....)
for finding title but we use it on the second method. Regex is more fun :)
For second row we use #scrape_detail_row
method. Find discuss link, points, author name, post link and make full_url (just for fun).
def scrape_detail_row(row)
discuss_tag = row.at(".//a[contains(.,'discuss') or "\
"contains(.,'comments') or "\
duscuss_link = discuss_tag[:href]
id: discuss_tag[:href][/\d+$/].to_i,
point: row.at(".//span[@class='score']").text,
user_name: row.at(".//a[contains(@href,'user?id=')]").text,
link: duscuss_link,
full_url: "#{BASE_URL}/#{duscuss_link}"
Now we have all posts from one page, but we need parse all pages. For it, we must click on More
link. Make simple method for it.
def view_more(pages = 1)
page_num = 0
loop do
next_link = @page.link_with(text: 'More')
break if page_num > pages || !next_link
page_num += 1
@page = next_link.click
And update #parse_links
method, add pages
variable for number of parsed pages. And limit_id
for limited parsed pages and posts.
def parse_links(limit_id = nil, pages = 1)
@page = @agent.get "#{BASE_URL}/newest"
view_more(pages) do
#... The same things
return @data if limit_id && current_data[:id] < limit_id
It’s all, it used very simple:
parser Parsers::HackerNews::NewLinks.new
parser.parse_links(nil, 5) # it mean: we parse only 5 pages without needed id
We make a simple parser for Hacker News. If you have some question or proposition send pull request WScraping/hacker_news. If you like this post you can show next post about scraping jobs from hacker news
Stay in touch
Hi, I'm Maxim Dzhuliy. I will write about programming, web scraping, and about tech news.