Stereotypes about freelancers and our hard work
A little in defense of the profession. Show it to those who build their views on guesswork! In any of the activities, there are an a lot of stereotypes about workers. We will dispel several wide-spread - about freelancers. Free workers are not deprived of attention, stereotypes about them, even more than about the rest of the people, so about what people talk mostly unknowingly:
##Freelancers - are a singleton, so single people. Many think so associative. Perhaps it is on this basis appeared this stereotype, it really exists and is firmly entrenched in people’s minds. However, this is a false assumption. Many freelancers have families, couples, and maybe someone will be surprised, even children! Their work just can be planned by themselves so, that it does not take away them from their loved ones absolutely or somehow for a long time. All have time for all!
##Freelancers - are lazy. Of course - yes, in most cases, but … - No, no, and thousand times no! Rather, and - Yes, and - No. This kind of activity isn’t far easier than in office workers. These people combine brainwork with creative. It should still be noted that to work, freelancers often have to get a lot more information. They are always ready to learn new things and to understand what is not known, to be active and inquisitive. To think that freelancers are lazy - is wrong, yes - they can always afford to do a “break”, but also their work requires high self-organization.
##Freelancers - are coffee lovers. Of course everyone knows that coffee invigorates. And budding freelancers have to sleep a little, and they renew their reserves of energy with this drink. However, those who have more experience, respectively, and their working time plan so that have time for all - to work, rest and sleep. So they do not have to drink a lot of coffee. And over time, freelancers were returning to the lighter drinks - be it juice, tea or water.
##Freelancers - as a “starving artists”.
In reality, this is just a stereotype. Some are engaged in freelance to have an additional source of income while having the main work. But many have earned good condition only due to freelance. For example, those who write materials for well-known and popular publications. But it is not necessary to dwell on writing texts. Take a wider look at the freelance-translations, design, guides, teaching-tutoring, programming. Yes, you can find yourself in a lot of what. The main thing is to work hard, patience, and, quite possibly, your first million, you earn due to freelance!
##Freelancer - is an “unemployed”. Many people will say:
- if person work remotely, it doesn’t work.
Again, confusing! To be considered as the employed, it isn’t necessary that the person has to leave the house in the morning, return in the evening, and once a month brings salary. Freelancers, in fact, work no less than others, and sometimes more. Just their selection is - to do it at home and at the time when it is convenient. And sometimes, as compared to permanent employees, they earn substantially more.
##Them easy to work and live. It is a question! In the work of freelancer are many different things that are not always pleasant. Almost all freelancer’s closest people believe that if they are at home, working remotely, they can be distracted for any occasion. But it is very easy to knock working mood, and can lead to the untimely performance of tasks. Plus - close with you is an exacting customer, who still are not satisfied, and you tried your best and worked with full responsibility! And such work requires no small perseverance, you need to constantly replenish the knowledge base, to develop, and not infrequently to be creative. So at first glance you might think that all this is so simple. You won’t understand a freelancer without being on his place.
##To be a freelancer can any person. Not a fact. Even if “just” do a rewrite of articles, you must first have the writing talent. And in copywriting, translation, guided tours, and we are not talking about a variety of other areas - even more so. You must possess not only knowledge, but also talent, and love for its work, it is given not for everyone. Only, in this case, you will achieve even some sort of success in the field of freelancing. So if you, for example, a good expert with words, you know the languages and do translations, try yourself on the area for lingo lancers (freelance-linguists), which brings together translators, copywriters, tutors, guides, helping them to earn money, and those who need their services.
##Conclusion Unless you don’t feel all the features on yourself, don’t judge and don’t criticize, or envy to representatives of this profession. Freelancers should cherish their reputation, so they must be purposeful and responsible. Without this, there won’t be orders, and without orders won’t be freelancing.
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Hi, I'm Maxim Dzhuliy. I will write about programming, web scraping, and about tech news.