Find user by IP or simple bot for Telegram with Ruby
Hello, today we make simple Telegram bot on Ruby. We’ll find user (or sites) by IP address and will use ip_info
gem. Detail information about using gem you can read in github page
Create Telegram bot
Before of all you must create new telegram bot. It’s very simple, you can read more about it in official documentation.
Simple instruction:
- Start dialog with @BotFather
- Use
for creating new bot - Choose name and login for bot
- Get API KEY for further actions
Create and configure new bot
Write to @BotFather
I choose name IpInfoBot
, but now we must choose login name.
After of all changes we have our API KEY and working bot.
For our bot we make simple Gemfile
and we’ll use Telegram-bot-ruby
it’s pretty awesome.
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'telegram-bot-ruby'
gem 'ip_info'
Simple usage of this gem:
require 'rubygems'
require 'telegram/bot'
require 'ip_info'
token = '152628097:AAH8T0o6Aq9bKQCkS_fI3-36Gl5-XUADrOs'
Telegram::Bot::Client.run(token) do |bot|
bot.listen do |message|
case message.text
when '/start'
bot.api.send_message(chat_id: message.chat.id,
text: "Hello, #{message.from.first_name}")
If we’ll send /start
message for our bot we have response: Hello, <your_name>
Notice: Always use
for sending message, because your bot can used in group dialogs
I want make comands like /city <ip_address>
. But I relly don’t know how to get <ip_address>
from message in right way.
For getting address form message we’ll use regex. Make simple method:
def get_address_form(message)
But we have /cite
message. Change our ‘engine’ of our bot:
token = '152628097:AAH8T0o6Aq9bKQCkS_fI3-36Gl5-XUADrOs'
@ip_info = IpInfo::API.new(api_key: ENV["IP_INFO_KEY"])
Telegram::Bot::Client.run(token) do |bot|
bot.listen do |message|
case message.text
when '/start'
bot.api.send_message(chat_id: message.chat.id,
text: "Hello, #{message.from.first_name}")
when /\/city [\w\W]+/
bot.api.send_message(chat_id: message.chat.id,
text: get_info(get_address_form(message.text), 'city') )
when /\/country [\w\W]+/
bot.api.send_message(chat_id: message.chat.id,
text: get_info(get_address_form(message.text), 'country') )
and make simple method for sending request to ipifodb
def get_info(address, type)
return 'Error: Address is invalid' unless address
data = ''
@ip_info.lookup(address, type: type).map do |e|
data << e.first.to_s.gsub(/_/, ' ').capitalize + ': ' + e.last + "\n"
We convert result of using ip_info
gem, because we have result:
> max-si-m.github.io git:(master) irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'ip_info'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> ip_info = IpInfo::API.new(api_key: ENV['IP_INFO_KEY'])
=> #<IpInfo::API:0x007ff2ebc16250
irb(main):003:0> ip_info.lookup('', type: 'city', time_zone:
=> {:status_code=>"OK", :status_message=>"", :ip_address=>"",
:country_code=>"US", :country_name=>"United States",
:region_name=>"Ohio", :city_name=>"Columbus", :zip_code=>"43218",
:latitude=>"39.9664", :longitude=>"-83.0128", :time_zone=>"-05:00"}
Set comands for our bots:
And now we have fully working bot. Try in work our bot:
Find user by IP:
Find info about site:
Find country of site:
We make simple bot for Telegram, it’s not hard but interesting. If you will try bot and it’s not available, maybe I was delete it :)
If you have another way to get address
from message send pull request or send message.
Github Repo WScraping/ip_info_bot
Telegram bot: @ip_info_bot
Stay in touch
Hi, I'm Maxim Dzhuliy. I will write about programming, web scraping, and about tech news.